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CAPA Visual Arts

Visual Arts Department

The Visual Arts Program is a sequential program of studio inquiry. 

Students hone their skills and broaden their understanding of the creative process with classes in printmaking, ceramics, digital media, painting, drawing, textiles, art history and sculpture. CAPA students work in a state-of-the-art facility and are taught by leading specialists in their area.

Visual Arts instructors are working artists in the truest sense of the word— they create, they exhibit, they jury, and they mentor the creative process. Under the direction of these top artists, CAPA visual artists develop informed, aesthetically aware minds and capable hands that fill their ever-evolving portfolios.

With a love of art and a commitment to achievement, CAPA visual artists have opportunities to pursue their passion that are unavailable virtually any place else. Only at CAPA can a student spend up to three hours a day in their art form. They progress through increasingly advanced course work while working to create new and personal realities through their work. Students reflect on the creative process and decision-making aspects of their own work while relating their art to artistic accomplishments throughout history.

Research and personal goal setting dictate much of the artistic inquiry both at CAPA and within the unique partnerships that we maintain throughout the region’s premier arts resources. Such partnerships include the Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild, the Society for Contemporary Craft, Air (Artist Image Resource), the Andy Warhol Museum, Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Mellon University and the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust.

PPS CAPA Visual Arts Application Audition Requirements By Art Form 25_26 FOR WEB.pdf

For the 2025-26 school year, the Visual Arts department anticipates the following number of spaces available by grade level. These numbers may change and will be updated periodically during the late application period for magnet.

·         Incoming 6th grade: 20

·         Incoming 7th grade: 0

·         Incoming 8th grade: 0

·         Incoming 9th grade: 13

·         Incoming 10th grade: 4

·         Incoming 11th grade: 0

·         Incoming 12th grade: 0

CAPA Visual Arts Audition Materials

Student posing with self portrait


Visual Arts Department Chair
Shannon Pultz
Office Phone: 412-529-6129

For questions regarding the application process, please contact the Magnet Office at 412-529-3991 or 


■ Partnerships with local arts organizations including: Carnegie Museum of Art, Space Gallery, Artist Image Resource (AIR), Manchester Craftsman’s Guild and The Pittsburgh Glass Center
■ Annual winners at the Scholastic Art and Writing Contest.
■ Unique collaboration with Falling Water and Steeltown Entertainment Project

■ Pratt Institute ■ Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) ■ Carnegie Mellon School of Art ■ Maryland Institute of College of Art (MICA) ■ Tyler School of Art