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Published District Dashboards

One of the top priorities of Pittsburgh Public Schools is to ensure that all students have the best educational opportunities.  As part of our commitment to increase transparency for families and community and to monitor the progress of all schools, the Office of Data, Research, Evaluation and Assessment (DREA) makes District-level data available via the District’s Data Dashboards.  The Dashboards track the  District’s progress on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified to reach the long-term outcomes of the 2017-2022 Strategic Plan: Expect Great Things. 

Through the Dashboards, visitors can find results related to multiple KPIs such as Algebra 1 9th Grade Pass Rates, Cohort Graduation Rates, Attendance Rates and more.  Dashboards typically display metrics at both the District and school level. Metrics for important subgroups are also included, when possible.



Algebra 9th Grade Pass Rates

AP IB Courses and Exam Pass Rates

Attendance Rates

Cohort Graduation Rates

Current Students Promise Eligibility Rates

Graduates Promise Qualification and Use Rates

Suspension Rates