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Contact Us

Customer Service Value Statement:  

At Pittsburgh Public Schools, we put Students First Always, in all ways. We expect a districtwide environment where: 

  • High levels of achievement are possible for all students; 
  • Diversity in all forms is valued; and 
  • Dignity, respect, and consistency are the standards. 

Always remember that Pittsburgh Public Schools students and employees are customers, too.  By creating positive and supportive school cultures, all students will feel valued, families will feel welcomed, staff will feel supported, and community partners will feel engaged.  


Customer Service is:

  • An attitude NOT a department.
  • A personal responsibility of every employee at all levels.
  • A marketing and recruitment strategy. 

In developing the PPS Experience, we seek to develop standard expectations so customer experience from person to person and building to building are consistent. 



Parent Hotline - Student or School Concerns/General Inquiry:

For help with an educational, curriculum, classroom or discipline issue, contact your child's school Principal as the first step toward a resolution. View our School Directory listed by school for a phone number, address or Principal's name.
If you and the Principal do not reach a solution, contact the Parent Hotline the Parent Hotline by phone 412-529-HELP (4357), email or by submitting a ticket above on Let's Talk. The Parent Hotline operates from Monday through Friday, 6:30AM - 4:00PM. All contacts are logged by Parent Hotline staff and responses are provided within 48 hours. 


English Language Development (ELD) Contact:

Pouvez-vous parler français? 你會說中國 ¿Habla Espanol? Nǐ huì shuō zhōngguó Do you have questions about your child's progress in school? Do you have questions about your child's school? Call the Pittsburgh Public Schools English Language Development Office at 412-529-3516 or 412-529-3367!
We care about your questions and concerns and want to provide assistance in the language that you prefer. Please leave your name, phone number, the name of your child, the school your child attends, and your question or comment. 

Administrative Offices:

The Pittsburgh Public Schools Administration building is located at:
341 S. Bellefield Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412-529-HELP (4357)

Career Opportunities:

Interested in working with us? Visit our careers page.


Student Records and Work Permits:

  • To request your student records, contact the school you attended. 
  • Visit the transcripts page to find out how to request student records from a school that is closed or for a GED record.
  • Please visit student work permits to learn more about how and when to apply.

Technical Questions:

Questions and comments about the content and function of this website? Email
If you are having an issue, please contact PPS Support for assistance. 


Human Relations Concerns:

It is the intent of the School District to provide a school and work environment that protects the individual rights of employees, parents, students and community members and ensures that all stakeholders experience mutual respect, tolerance and civility in a non-discriminatory environment.

Concerns related to human relations may be reported by filing a Human Relations Complaint form through the Office of Employee Relations or reporting to an outside agency as described in the Human Relations Policy. Concerns also may reported to the Office of Employee Relations at 412-529-3607.

Charter School Complaint:

While you are encouraged to discuss all concerns and complaints with your school, students and parents may use this form to initiate a formal written complaint against a charter school in the City of Pittsburgh. As the authorizer or chartering district, the School District of Pittsburgh provides oversight and makes every attempt to ensure that the needs of all students are being met and that charter schools are living up to the terms and conditions of their charter agreements. More information about our Office of Charter Schools can be found here.

Public Hearings:

Those wishing to speak at a Board Public Hearing may register online by visiting for more information on procedures.