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Comprehensive Plan


Pittsburgh Public Schools Future Ready Comprehensive Plan


As part of its December 21, 2022, Legislative Session, the Board approved the final Pittsburgh Public Schools state-required Future Ready Comprehensive Plan.  Pennsylvania school districts must submit a plan that includes district goals and action items.  The final plan, informed by a steering committee made up of board members, parents, students, administrators, staff members, community partners, and the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers, includes research and evidence-based strategies to address four prioritized challenges based on state-identified essential practices and student data:

  • Supporting schools in implementing research and evidence-based instructional strategies and programs to ensure all students have access to rigorous, standards-aligned instruction,
  • Coordinating and monitoring support aligned with student and family needs,
  • Recruiting and retaining fully credentialed experienced and high-quality teachers; and  
  • Allocating resources, including money, staff, professional learning, materials, and support to schools based on the analysis of a variety of data.


The Board approved the final plan following a public commentary period. 


Updated December 21, 2022

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