A regular public hearing for citizens’ comments on agenda items and other school matters is held each month. The public hearing is normally held on the Monday before the Legislative Meeting of each month at 6:00 p.m.
In addition, special Public Hearings are scheduled as needed.
Board Public Hearing speaker sign-ups now take place online. You can no longer register via telephone. Click here to sign-up!
Registered speakers will give their testimony in person at the Administration Building in Oakland.
If you are unable to testify in person, you may submit your testimony via email to sranalli1@pghschools.org. Your testimony will be forwarded to the Board of Directors and posted to the website as part of the public record following the meeting.
Members of the public are invited to view the Public Hearing, which will be streamed live. You can view the live stream of the Public Hearing by clicking this link.
The Public Hearings will be recorded and will be available to view, on demand, by 6:00 p.m. the next day after the Public Hearing by clicking this link.
Hearings will be conducted under the following procedures:
- All speakers must be School District (City of Pittsburgh or Mt. Oliver) residents, or:
- Anyone having registered a legitimate interest* in a contemplated action of the Board
- Anyone representing a group in the community or School District
- Any representative of a firm eligible to bid on materials or services solicited by the School District
- Any District employee
- Any District student
- Requests to speak at the Public Hearing will be accepted beginning one week prior to the date of the hearing until noon of the day of the hearing. Register to speak by completing the Public Hearing Request Form. Anyone needing help completing the online form can contact Stephanie Ranalli for assistance at 412-529-3868.
- Speakers will be scheduled in the order registrations are received.
- Speakers will personally give their testimony. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes of testimony.
- Speakers should submit their written testimony to Stephanie Ranalli at sranalli1@pghschools.org.
- A speaker may not relinquish his or her allotted time to another.
- All speakers, regardless of their viewpoint, are entitled to the courtesy of speaking without interruption from those in attendance who agree or disagree. Should the presiding officer determine that an individual has disrupted the meeting by failing to extend this courtesy through cheering, jeering, or similar actions, that individual may be removed from the Public Hearing or the meeting itself may be adjourned.
- Signs are not permitted at public hearings.
- Speakers who arrive late to the Public Hearing will be given the opportunity to present their testimony after all the speakers’ names have been announced.
*The District reserves the right to determine if the registered interest is legitimate for any non-School District resident.