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Board of Directors

Parents and community members are able to review information being brought before the Board for consideration prior to Agenda Review and Legislative Meetings. Each agenda will be available for download the Friday before the scheduled meeting. The new eGovernance features will be accessible through the District’s website at or via the button below. Visitors to the site will be able to download and print a Simple Agenda, with headings, or the more Detailed Agenda for each meeting.

Go to BoardDocs

Board Districts


The Pittsburgh Board of Public Education is an elected body made up of nine representatives of districts within the City of Pittsburgh and the Borough of Mt. Oliver. It also serves as the Board for the Pittsburgh-Mt. Oliver Intermediate Unit, one of 29 regional Intermediate Units in Pennsylvania established to provide such services as Special Education and programs for non-public students. Board Members are elected to four-year terms.

The Board is the policy-making body for the School District. It is committed to providing the best education possible for every student by providing outstanding teachers, programs and services that enable every student to achieve their maximum potential. 
As a part of its commitment to continuously improve its governance, the Board adopted its own set of Core Beliefs, Shared Goals and Commitments, found below, at its February 27, 2008 Legislative Meeting.

Board Committee Meetings and Materials


Find Your Board Member on  SchoolSearch

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Contact Us



    Stephanie Ranalli, Board Executive Assistant Room 245, Administration Building 341 S. Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213