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Board Minutes


Parents and community members are be able to review information being brought before the Board for consideration prior to Agenda Review and Legislative Meetings. Each agenda will be available for download the Friday before the scheduled meeting. The new eGovernance features will be accessible through the District’s website at or via the button below. Visitors to the site will be able to download and print a Simple Agenda, with headings, or the more Detailed Agenda for each meeting.

Board Docs


Since BoardDocs is entirely paperless, all meeting minutes are within each following month's Agenda Review meeting.  Meeting minutes are Board approved, so they carry forward into the next month's meeting.  For example, if you wish to access the March Legislative Meeting minutes, you would access the first public meeting the following month - April.
How to View Meeting Minutes:
1.  Access BoardDocs at
2.  Click on Meetings
3.  Select the meeting that occurred AFTER the meeting you wish to review minutes from.
4.  Click on View Agenda
5.  Click the clock icon to download or view the approved meeting minutes from the following meeting. 

Board Minutes Archive 

Below are the minutes from the Board of Education Legislative Meetings from 1999 through 2013.  Any meeting which occurred after March 2014, the meeting minutes are available within BoardDocs.   

2014 Minutes 


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2013 Minutes 


2012 Minutes



2011 Minutes


2010 Minutes


2009 Minutes


2008 Minutes


2007 Minutes


2006 Minutes


2005 Minutes


2004 Minutes


2003 Minutes


2002 Minutes


2001 Minutes


2000 Minutes


1999 Minutes