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Achieving Our Goals for Students
Advancing positive student outcomes and experiences is a multi-faceted effort that requires the collaboration of the entire Pittsburgh community. These efforts are coordinated through a series of deliberate plans, each working in tandem to help us achieve our goals for students and ensure excellence, equity, and efficiency.
Strategic Plan
We are proud to announce Pittsburgh Public Schools' new strategic plan, Students First Always, in All Ways: A Five-Year Strategic Plan to Drive Student Outcomes and Experiences. We developed our strategic plan with the invaluable input of our community and a thorough analysis of District data. Our plan is designed to achieve six priority outcomes that will guide our efforts over the next five years, ensuring the best possible education and support for all our students.
Facilities Utilization Plan
Pittsburgh is changing, and Pittsburgh Public Schools must be flexible and thoughtful in its approach to align and advance student learning and experiences. By making smart moves now, we can offer equitable opportunities to all students and utilize our resources effectively. Working together as one District, not as separate schools or communities, we can transform education. There will be tough decisions ahead, but our common goal is to provide the best for our children. Learn more about how you can provide input on portfolio design in PPS.
For more than three decades, Pittsburgh Public Schools has been working attentively towards building racial equity. We work with the community-appointed Equity Advisory Panel to embed recommendations that support equity through unrelenting advocacy. Together we strive to move the needle on equity develop tools to encourage cross-functional supports that convert to frameworks for educational improvement and transformation.
The Pittsburgh community is full of people who are passionate about supporting the success of Pittsburgh Public Schools students. With so much to offer, there are multiple ways for parents, families and community members to engage to help us reach our goals for students.
We believe partnerships among schools, families and community are a necessity in creating a successful academic and social experience for our children. Learn how you can volunteer with PPS.
Media Relations
We are committed to fostering transparent communication between the school district, the media, and the community we serve.
Since 1911, Public Schools has proudly watched many successful graduates step out into the world. Find alumni resources and join us in celebrating the achievements of PPS grads.
Out of School Time
The Office of Out-of-School Time exists to ensure that all PPS students have access and exposure to opportunities that complement, enhance, and extend learning that occurs during the school day through a coordinated network of high-quality community partners.
Whether it’s through surveys, public input meetings, or Let’s Talk, the voices of students, parents, families, staff and community are essential in ensuring that our schools are the best they can be
Parents and Families
Parents and families play a crucial role in the education and academic success of students. Find resources to help you stay engaged and support your child's educational journey.
Strong partnerships with businesses, organizations, and the philanthropic community enhance the educational experience for our students. Explore opportunities to collaborate with the District, discover business opportunities, and learn how you can contribute to PPS.
Community Schools
Community schools help build stronger communities by engaging parents and families to address barriers to learning.
At a Glance
District Schools
District Employees
2025 General Fund Budget